You are Unseen

You are unseen.
These three words can be the focus of your meditation right now, a mantra in English.
With your eyes closed, you can question its meaning: “I am unseen?”
The word “you” or “I” refers to who you are. You must enquire who that is:
Normally, someone would say, “I am my body. But the statement says, “You are unseen.” How can that “you, which for you means “I,” be unseen if you are the body? The body is seen.
Then if you are unseen, you are not the body.
Then perhaps you think that “you” refers to your mind. Since you are a meditator, you will have observed that in meditation you watch your mind: a thought appears, and you are watching it, you are knowing it, that is, “seeing” it. In meditation you are the watcher, the knower, the seer of your mind. Then the mind is being seen. But the statement says, “You are unseen.”
If you are unseen, then you are not the mind.
You are ready to comprehend and know, “I am the Knower.” The Knower is the awareness in you that knows the world, that knows your body and other bodies, that knows your mind and other minds.
In meditation, you remain as the Knower.
You, the Knower, are unseen, unformed. You are before birth, you are after the death of the body—and so you are in between, during what is called life. You are Eternal Spirit, Pure Consciousness, Infinite Awareness—One.
So, in your meditation you can know: Aham Brahm… aham, I, Aatma, the Pure Knower, am the Whole, Brahm, permeating all that is, no beginning, no end.
Meditation does not require effort. Just be the Knower, You knowing…
God bless and enjoy!