The Power of Appreciation

“The soul, the being, grows through appreciation.”
These were words spoken to me by my Guru-ji in 1971. They are etched into my thought and understanding, for they express a powerful life-lesson, for me and, I truly think, for all. He manifested expressions of this truth through all the years I knew him, by means of his words and by his actions.
Each of us knows, deep within, that we are infinite, perfect, and One. That is why we love, why we seek knowledge, why we progress and prosper. That is also why we pull back from criticism, shrink from censure and condemnation.
So, through appreciation, love, encouragement, through support, smiles, nods, pats on the back, handshakes, hugs, and pranaams, the being expands into what it is eternally. We grow into what we are presented with.
Through blame, accusation, fault-finding, cavil, sneering, scoffing, cynicism, being told we are wrong, bad, or sinful, the being contracts and, if the negativity continues, the being begins to believe these negative projections upon its identity. Again, we grow into what we are presented with.
But there is more to this universal principle.
Through appreciation, it is not just “others” who expand into their potential of Oneness. We do.
You become what you express.
If you express support, encouragement, love, appreciation, you rise to that level of your own being. You, the eternal You, are All, are One. Through the expression of your form in this incarnation, you realize, “make real,” your potential to expand into the innate blessedness of your true nature, or you contract into whatever negativity you express of smallness.
So, not only the receiver of your appreciation expands into their true, divine being, you, the creator of your expression, become what you express.
I love you all.