The Infinity of You

In the infinity of You, of no time, no space, a form appeared. You became accustomed to it. You came to know its three states of waking, dream, and deep sleep. The waking state became your dominant state. Then, in concert with the other forms of your Self, you accepted the forms known in the waking state as being reality, the world.
In doing this, you became a form of the world. And in doing that, it was as if you forgot your infinity, the indivisibility of your Self. You became a separate individual in relation to others, attempting to find your place, finding your place sometimes. And sometimes you were satisfied with that, but at other times you questioned. But the world said: Do not waste your time questioning. Work, get busy, make relations, create, change, enjoy life, and don’t question, don’t think. Just do.
But there are some who question anyway, regardless of what others say or think.
May you keep questioning until you know your original infinite status of Self, the Self of all.
And if you know it, glory to You!