The Decision to Meditate

As we have become accustomed to knowing the world through the medium of our bodies using our senses, and our minds have concluded “I am my body, my mind,” we can also become accustomed to being aware of the knowingness that is our source of being.
The means to cultivate awareness of our unchanging identity, our eternal I, is meditation.
The eternal knowingness is always there, but without bringing attention to the source of knowing, awareness of the background knowingness does become part of our life.
The default in our life is to attend the world forms through our senses and mind—that just happens by itself. Therefore, it takes a decision to say, “I will meditate now.”
Eventually, meditation is who we are, but in the beginning, it is a practice that is decided upon, even if it is only to try the practice and see what happens.
Meditation on the Knower is the gateway to knowing: “I existed before body and mind.”