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Writer's pictureBrijendra Robert William Eaton

That Shining, All Shines

That Shining, All Shines

There is a verse from Kath Upanishad, one part of which reveals: “Tamev bhaantam anubhaati sarvam… That shining, all shines.” This statement is so fruitful of insight both into the nature of reality and into the practice and effects of meditation!

Reality and meditation become the same meaning, the same result; for meditation attunes us to the fundamental reality of being, of existence.

“That shining, all shines.” In this context, the word that refers to the supreme state of existence, the fundamental being of existence. It might be called Brahm, Paramaatma, Param Tattwa—whatever the words used, that is applicable because the Being is beyond words, beyond description, for words and descriptions come later. That is why, without the practice of meditation enhanced by understanding, a person cannot discover the truth and reality of his or her Self Being. In meditation you exist beyond words and meaning.

“That shining” means “because that shines.” Because That shines, then all shines. If that eternal ever-presence were not, then nothing would be. But That is. Therefore all is, or all becomes.

What becomes is constantly changing. That which is, the initial, original shining, is unchanging. That is why without meditation you will not find You, your I-sense, your true identity, which is eternal, permanent. You will always be assessing yourself in terms of your changing characteristics of body, mind, feelings, experience. All of those shine, which means they appear in existence because of That You, the original shining. When the sun rises, the forms of the world shine and are seen. That Being, when it shines, the sun shines, the stars, the galaxies, the universe, all shine—"shine” means that they appear, they exist.

There is one further insight provided by this verse: “That shining, all shines” provides the insight that as you come out of meditation and your mental consciousness and physical awareness begin to activate (because you now start to pay attention to those levels of yourself), they shine, meaning they begin to appear in your existence because you are shining there.

The import of this is that You, the Pure Knower, are the foundation of existence—at your individual level of a person who meditates and then, as we say, comes out of meditation, and at the cosmic level of universes appearing from that You Being. That Being is prime, both in the individual you and in what is considered to be the universe, which is simply manifestation. That Being is You.

Without meditation, your mind will conclude that “you” means your body, your thoughts, your feelings, your experiences, your memories. Meditation provides the opportunity to realize that you exist without those additions. This means You are actually independent, eternal, blessed, blissful…Sat Chit Aanand, Pure Existence, Pure Consciousness, Pure Bliss.

Be blessed. Love all.


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Introduction to Space Light

I am starting these blog entries with some issues of my original Space Light offerings. Back in 1999, inspired by my newly acquired email account, I offered to send out emailed issues of writings I was doing on meditation and the philosophy of Yog to people I thought might be interested in receiving them. These writings tended to be on topics of yogic Self-knowledge that I chose to explore mixed in with snippets of satsangs with Guru-ji, Swami Shyam. Since much of the time I was musing in these writings, I later called them just that, musings.

So, I am beginning this blog with some of those early Space Lights.

With Knowledge Love Light,


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