Meditation on the Sense of Self

The innate irrefragability of the direct experience of one’s own Self is sacred above all else.
Some may dispute this when their concept of self is of body and mind. But I am speaking of the one who knows the body and who knows the mind.
This state of knowership becomes especially clear through the practice of meditation. The salient characteristic of meditation is to be watchful, aware, to realize that one is knowing, whether that knowledge is of sensory perceptions through the body or of mental perceptions in the mind.
The precise meditator has ascertained, most likely through the help of some teaching, that the irreducible truth of the Self is the Knower.
One cannot go back further than the Knower because one will still be the knower of wherever one reaches.
It also unfolds in such a profound meditator that there is the infinity of knowing, the infinite knowingness that no human being can fathom, yet can be aware of. This is the exalted one, a channel of God.