In Truth of God's Pure Knowing

I think to sometimes use a poem in this blog. Here we are:
In Truth of God's Pure Knowing
Nor mourn the waning of the crescent moon Sailing high with the old moon in her arms. Though glorious before dawn, we know she soon Shall dissipate and fade despite our balms. Nor entreat these gods to halt our season, Nor speed the fruit we so anticipate. God's beauty shines so, beyond our reason, Truth oblivious of our loves and hate. Attune and revel in God's love and bliss: Surprising rise of Venus with dawn’s sky! Moon passing now behind the trees we miss But soon will wax again, with fresh light fly. O settled in truth of God's pure knowing, Let the unchanged changing flaunt it's showing.
28 January 2022
Brijendra Robert William Eaton