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  • Writer's pictureBrijendra Robert William Eaton

And Now I See

And Now I See


And now I see that all is being done.

And still I know, and still, I am the known.

My I, unchanging, now knows I am One.

What was before, that dream bird now has flown.

Can it be true that I was ever born?

That I am you and you are only me?

That knowing Me in each one, I am shorn

Of I as separate, and now am free?

I wonder at the small I’s illusion,

And wonder at the vastness of my I.

When all is Me, what was that confusion?

I am free, unborn, like infinite sky!

Live as your Guru, live the blissful One,

For now you see that all is being done.

26 November 2023

This sonnet appeared within minutes, almost without thinking. I was about to work on my Bhagavad Gita commentary when the first line appeared in my mind and I realized it was in perfect iambic pentameter. Subsequent lines appeared as clear as day, only a few moments of rearrangement and—all was done.

Brijendra profile photo_edited.jpg

Introduction to Space Light

I am starting these blog entries with some issues of my original Space Light offerings. Back in 1999, inspired by my newly acquired email account, I offered to send out emailed issues of writings I was doing on meditation and the philosophy of Yog to people I thought might be interested in receiving them. These writings tended to be on topics of yogic Self-knowledge that I chose to explore mixed in with snippets of satsangs with Guru-ji, Swami Shyam. Since much of the time I was musing in these writings, I later called them just that, musings.

So, I am beginning this blog with some of those early Space Lights.

With Knowledge Love Light,


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Copyright Robert William Eaton 2022
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